Thursday, May 21, 2009

Police Academy Graduate!

These are a few of our classmates and teachers.
It was a great group!
Bonnie Morrow, Julie McKay and Me!

Well, it was Citizens Police Academy, but a blast. The Provo Police Department sponsors this academy once a year. You go to classes for 8 weeks, one night each week for a 4 hour class. I was dreading that I had made this commitment to be quite honest and I really had to work to make it at all, but it was so much fun once I got there. Here is just a little about some of the highlights. We hand cuffed each other, learned some self defense moves, learned how to use the stick (ALP) they carry, etc. We actually took fingerprints off glasses, doors, etc. and learned to gather evidence. Some of the people in class got Tasered just to see how it felt (I didn't). I can tell you that it didn't feel good just by seeing others go through it. We rode in a swat van, learned about the wall of light and learned how to use a lot of their equipment. We learned about the gangs in the area and quite honestly I had no idea there were so many. There is so much more we did I can't even begin to tell you, but if anyone is interested I can set you up for next year. The important thing is somehow I graduated, even with all the classes I missed and was late for. It was GREAT. I would do it again in a heart beat.

1 comment:

Kimber said...

You go Lisa! Wow I'm impressed! What an interesting adventure!