Monday, May 17, 2010

Edgemont 5K

Mrs. Twitchell, Stephanie's 6th grade teacher called and asked her to get some friends and be the rabbit's for the Edgemont 5k. Here are some of Stephanie's friends leading the pack out the gates of the school.
Some more of Stephanie's friends.

Stephanie and one of the Edgemont boys

Lindsey and Kib cheering her on. She was the first Conger through the gate.

Here came Brittney with way to much energy for the end of a race.
She did awesome!

Matthew came running full speed ahead.

Here is Stephanie and Rachel running in for the 3rd or 4th time.

It was fun to see some of our friends we never see now that we aren't around Edgemont.

Lindsey, Stephanie and Brittney all finished happy.

We are so thankful Stephanie has such good friends all willing to come volunteer to help out. Rachel is one of Stephanie's best friends. We love both these girls.

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