Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve!

We started the celebrations up in Park City with the Holt's which was so much fun. Thanks to Kimber for such a cute picture. I never could have figured out how to do this. She is amazing.
Jacob and his friends had a fun New Year's Eve Celebration.
We toasted with Sparkling Cider and lots of confetti.

Upstairs the adults celebrated by playing Canasta or Hand and Foot,
which ever you want to call it, all evening long.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day 2009!

BYU PJ's for the whole family. What more could you want?

We love Christmas!!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve with the Abbott's

We had such a great evening. Santa Claus came and we took turns sitting on his lap as he handed out gifts for all the good girls and boys. The boys got nerf guns, I don't know what Santa was thinkking, and the girls got mittens, hat, and scarves. Then we ate a wonderful dinner.
After dinner we gather and had our traditional Christmas Pageant. I am so thankful that all the kids are still good enough sports to humor us parents and make it a good time for all. Then it was time to each go our seperate ways to put out treats, tell stories and open a few presents.

Christmas Eve Breakfast with the Jensen's

We had a fantastic breakfast. One of the highlights was Grandma's scones. The newest Jensen addition Mitchell was so much fun to pass around and hold. The kids all got Christmas PJ's.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Gingerbread Creations!

Well it was time for the annual Jensen Family Gingerbread making contest! We decided to invite my family this year. We always compete girls about boys, but this year we changed the rules. Each team was allowed to brainstorm for up to 30 minutes while we ate pizza then they were given only one hour to create. This was a much needed time regulation and a tradition we will be keeping. It had gotten a little out of control.

The girls gingerbread creation was a Lake Powell theme. The detail was great! It had the slide coming off the back of the house boat, towel hanging over the edge, deck chairs and more. In the water was a ski boat with a skier dodging trees, kids in tubes and swimming, frog land, sand castle, and last but not least the boy scout challenge. That is the big mountain with the flag on top. Every year the boys (I mean men) take all the kids on a very crazy adventure while all he mom's and grandparents sit fretting on the boat praying the kids will all survive.

The boys gingerbread creation was (I like how Kirstin said it) a tribute to the armed forces. That was much more tasteful then what I would have said. The had a large tank with Santa standing on top with what yes a machine gun in hand. They had an American flag, a little bunker, troops and it even lit up with candles flaming for guns. Sitting in a pile of red was Osama. Santa had given the gift of a peaceful Christmas. It was most definitely a boys house.

1st Place went to the girls. I have to say that I was very impressed with both, but the boys should maybe have taken into account that Santa with a machine gun and me being the judge was probably not the best combination for a win. I like Merry Christmas' where everyone is happy, smiling and alive.
When we finished the houses Halle wanted a special one so Jacob made this aquarium for her to take home.

After that we sat while Grandpa read us a Christmas Story. I love Christmas and everything that comes with it. Let the season begin...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mexican Cruise with the Whole Jensen Family!

We started the trip by going to Disneyland. What a way to start a week of partying. It rained which could have been bad but it was wonderful because nobody like the rain and there were very little crowds. It was so much fun. We stayed all day and night.
Then it was off to the Carnival Cruise Ship. We were all so thankful for Grandma Cookie taking us on such a fabulous vacation.
On the ship their were fun things for everyone. The little ones loved dressing up, playing in the kids area, following all the older cousins around and just playing. Jacob always had a cute little shadow Luke. His little minnie me. The boys spent hours golfing, playing basketball, eating and sleeping. The girls spent hours laying out, sleeping and eating. Stephanie made it everyday to workout, but was alone quite a bit. The adults loved just relaxing more than anything and visiting with each other. Everyone played games some with Grandma.
Puarta Vallarta was tons of fun! We rode a charter bus to a local beach that had great waves for boogie boarding and surfing. Some of us had massages on the beaches that were amazing. We played in the sand and burried others in the sand. We then road back ont he bus through a cute little town and ate at Pepe's and played in a little play gorund. The boys were able to use their spanish and we were impressed they really could communicate. The Captain hit the dock so we ended up having to stay an extra day in Puarta Vallarta and never made it to Mazatlan.
It was GREAT! Cabo was the last stop, but definately not the least. We went on a water taxi out to Lover's Beach and the Arches, then around to Divorce Beach then got dropped off on Pelican Beach for some snorkeling. Their were a million fish and it was really neat. We had tons of fun then the boys and Kylie, the tough girl, went to play a fierce game of football. Then we went hiking over to Lover's Beach which was a fun adventure. After that we went into town and found delicious $1 tacos and shopped until we dropped.

This was a great trip and we had so much fun spending time with all the cousins!